Developer Preview Of Google's Chrome Released For Mac

There are a lot of users of Google's Chrome web browser for Windows, although just how many is not clear. StatCounter claims that Chrome but Net Applications says that the current version of Chrome i. Today, Google quietly released a new application for Chrome users that should make it faster to access Google's services and other apps.

Developer Preview Of Google Chrome Released For Mac

It's the Chrome App Launcher, and its now available to download from the. The launcher was previously available for users of Chromebooks via Chrome OS; the Windows version has also been available as a developer preview but now everyone can download it. Once installed, the launcher shows up on the desktop of Windows 7 and 8 as an icon, and it can also be accessed via the taskbar and start page. Bringing up the launcher shows icons that let users quickly access Chrome, Gmail, YouTube, Google Drive, the Chrome Store and more; there's also a search bar on top of the launcher.


Google is apparently working on versions of the Chrome App Launcher for OS X and Linux but so far there's no indication on when they will be available. Source: via Image via Google.

Have had the luxury of an app launcher for quite a while, but now Windows users can get in on the action too, provided they download the latest version of from the browser's. In order for the launcher to appear in the taskbar, however, those running the fresh release will need to install a Chrome packaged app - an application written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript that opens outside the browser and works offline by default. Packaged programs aren't searchable on the just yet, but folks can code their own or head to the Chromium Blog for a pair of software suggestions. Linux and Mac OS X are penciled in to receive the launcher soon via the dev channel, but there's no word on when it might find its way into a mainstream release of Chrome. Ready to take the feature for a spin? Hit the source link to let Mountain View point you in the right direction.

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