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A Texas Prosecutor Dedicated to Death Row (“Invisible Intruder,” Forensic Files, and “Darlie Routier,” The Last Defense) After the past two posts about the Darlie Routier has received at the hands of the criminal justice system, it seems only natural to provide some intelligence on Greg Davis. Greg Davis in a Forensic Files appearance I was hoping to find something scandalous or incriminating about the Texas prosecutor, who still clearly takes pride in having landed Routier on death row in connection with the 1996 stabbing deaths of two of her little sons — a crime she has always blamed on an unidentified assailant. Davis discussed the case on camera in the Forensic Files episode “” in 1999 and in the series in 2018. He and Routier’s other detractors have consistently used personal smears against her: She was “self-centered” and “materialistic,” she was grieving in an undignified manner, she gave the babysitter a wine cooler, she got DDD breast implants, and so on. But what about Davis himself? Does this millennial-era Oliver Cromwell have any impurity in his past? Well, much to my disappointment, nothing obvious.

The only official trouble that popped up was an action from 2010, when a grand jury indicted Davis, then a Collin County assistant district attorney, on charges of. The matter involved allegations that some DA’s office employees falsified information to indicate they were working on official business when they were actually campaigning for a district clerk. A young Darlie Routier in prison But a judge granted a the indictment against Davis in January 2011. After a new attorney general named Greg Willis took office that same year, Willis chose not to retain Davis. But Davis quickly got a new job, as deputy first assistant DA in McLennan County.

He served under District Attorney Abel Reyna. He left on his own accord, and no accusations of misbehavior turned up on internet searches.

But the announcement merited a number of negative reader comments, including: Greg Davis is more of an ass than an asset. I don’t know how he can live with himself for putting an innocent woman on death row. God will be his judge.” Being part of the Henry Wade administration and obtaining almost two dozen death penalty verdicts is a resume I would not want.” As of 2014, Davis had helped put on death row, and several have been executed. (The conviction of at least one of them, Albert Leslie Love Jr., was reversed, in 2016.) Greg Davis on The Last Defense in 2018 TV station reported that “Davis is said to be the most successful capital murder prosecutor in the state of Texas.” Davis has said he believes there’s a good chance Routier will be executed, which would leave her motherless. The next big news about Davis hit in 2017, and it sounded positive (sorry). The FBI was investigating ex-boss Abel Reyna because he allegedly “dismissed criminal cases for his friends and major campaign donors for political and personal gain,” according to the on November 10, 2017. In an affidavit, Davis indicated that Reyna’s corruption was the reason he chose to leave the job.

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(Reyna lost his reelection bid in 2018.) A snippet of typical character assassination So, it looks as though Greg Davis — who is now a retiree living in the Dallas area — is basically a narrow-minded individual but with some integrity. And to his credit, in his TV appearances, he seems earnest and not particularly in love with the sound of his own voice. Just the same, if anyone knows of any skeletons in this guy’s closet, I’m all ears. That’s it for this post. Until next week, cheers. — Watch the Forensic Files episode about Darlie Routier on or or Watch The Last Defense on.

Good turn, grace, indulgence, kindness, service, benefit; A kindly act. Benefaction, beneficence, benevolence, benignity, kindliness, kindness, oblation, office (often used in plural), philanthropy; A charitable deed. Beau geste, compliment, courtesy; An act requiring special generosity. Acceptance, approbation, approval; Favorable regard. Hdd( hdd[usb3.0/1tb/mac my passport. Account, admiration, appreciation, consideration, esteem, estimation, honor, regard, respect; A feeling of deference, approval, and liking.

Favoritism, partiality, partialness, preference; Favorable or preferential bias. Advantage, avail, benefit, blessing, boon, gain, profit; Something beneficial. Accommodate, oblige; To perform a service or a courteous act for. Approve, countenance, hold with, go for, (Idiom) take kindly to; To be favorably disposed toward. Prefer; To show partiality toward (someone). Countenance, encourage, smile on (or upon); To lend supportive approval to.

Spare, (Idiom) handle with kid gloves; To treat with inordinate gentleness and care. Adjective: dirty, grimy, filthy, mucky, unwashed, stained, soiled, smeared, spotted, muddy, dusty, sooty, unhygienic, unsanitary, cruddy, yucky, soiled, filthy, messy, shabby, seedy, scruffy, untidy, unwashed, unkempt, smutty, grungy (slang, chiefly U.S.

Grok Crackers Greg-davis News

& Canad.), manky (Scot. Dialect), scuzzy (slang), skanky (slang), frowzy, besmeared, befouled, begrimed, squalid, slovenly, sordid; 1. Covered or stained with or as if with dirt or other impurities. Mean, beggarly, contemptible, ignoble, despicable, sordid, disreputable. Noun: A nebulous resentful envy based on repressed feelings of slavish impotence in the face of nobility, which is assigned blame for painful failure in life. Rather than aspire in competitive affirmation to eminent glory, a destructive urge to annihilate the powerful by vilifying their greatness predominates.

Complacent self-abasement and a leveling hostility toward higher spiritual achievement result in the form of moral value systems that make a virtue of selfless mediocrity and thus vindicate nihilism in the name of 'goodness.' Ressentiment comes from reactiveness: the weaker someone is, the less their capability to suppress reaction. According to Nietzsche, the more a person is active, strong-willed, and dynamic, the less place and time is left for contemplating all that is done to them, and their reactions (like imagining they are actually better) become less compulsive. The reaction of a strong-willed person (a 'wild beast'), when it happens, is ideally a short one: it is not a prolonged filling of their intellect.

'The ressentiment which results from want of character can never understand that eminent distinction really is distinction. Neither does it understand itself by recognizing distinction negatively (as in the case of ostracism) but wants to drag it down, wants to belittle it so that it really ceases to be distinguished. And ressentiment not only defends itself against all existing forms of distinction but against that which is still to come. The ressentiment which is establishing itself is the process of leveling, and while a passionate age storms ahead setting up new things and tearing down old, raising and demolishing as it goes, a reflective and passionless age does exactly the contrary; it hinders and stifles all action; it levels. Leveling is a silent, mathematical, and abstract occupation which shuns upheavals. The leveling process is the victory of abstraction over the individual. The leveling process in modern times, corresponds, in reflection, to fate in antiquity.

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It must be obvious to everyone that the profound significance of the leveling process lies in the fact that it means the predominance of the category 'generation' over the category 'individuality.' ' —Kierkegaard. Noun: A white knight is an individual or company that acquires a corporation on the verge of being taken over by forces deemed undesirable by company officials (sometimes referred to as a 'black knight'). While the target company doesn't remain independent, a white knight is viewed as a preferred option to the hostile company completing their takeover. Unlike a hostile takeover, current management typically remains in place in a white knight scenario, and investors receive better compensation for their shares. Adjective: unrefined, natural, crude, unprocessed, basic, rough, organic, coarse, unfinished, untreated, unripe, frank, plain, bare, naked, realistic, brutal, blunt, candid, unvarnished, unembellished, simple, natural, clean, classic, severe, plain, uncluttered, unadorned, unfussy, inexperienced, new, green, ignorant, immature, unskilled, callow, untrained, untried, undisciplined, unseasoned, unpracticed; 1.

Being in a natural condition; not processed or refined. Not having been subjected to adjustment, treatment, or analysis.

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Verb: object, take exception, take issue, protest, cavil, dissent, voice reservations, be unwilling, be reluctant, balk, think twice, drag one's heels, refuse, boggle, kick up a fuss; raise doubts or objections or show reluctance. Noun: objection, protest, protestation, complaint, dispute, dissent, opposition, resistance; reservation, hesitation, reluctance, disinclination, doubts, qualms, misgivings, second thoughts, a murmur, a word; the action or process of objecting to or hesitating over something. From Latin demorari 'to linger, loiter, tarry,' from de- 'away' + morari 'to delay,' from mora 'a pause, delay.'

A situation where the conditions for happiness are absent. Durkheim argued that one of the conditions for happiness was that there should be clear norms governing social behavior. The absence of these norms resulted in anomie and unhappiness.

A feeling of isolation, anxiety, hopelessness, alienation, and lack of purpose caused by the absence or breakdown of standards, ideals, and values in society. From Greek anomia 'lawlessness,' abstract noun from anomos 'without law, lawless,' from a- 'without' + nomos 'law.'

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