Medical Dictation Software Is Available For Mac

Speakeasy Solutions announces the end of Dragon for Mac Medical. This is not unsurprising as the product has not been well maintained, and has never really functioned very well. Despite some medical and legal practitioners switching to Mac computers, there always seems to be much more support and flexibility for those with PC computers. That said, while not officially supported, we do have a number of clients who create a PC partition on their Mac computers so that they may operate Dragon Medical Practice Edition 4 for PC. We recommend a minimum of 8 GB of RAM for this partition. Official Communique from Nuance Nuance Communications is updating its line of Dragon Healthcare desktop speech recognition solutions and discontinuing Dragon for Mac Medical effective immediately. Additional details include the following:.

Effective date for End-of-Life on Dragon for Mac Medical is 8/14/2018. New orders will not be accepted. Increase Your Productivity With Dragon® for Mac® Medical version 5, it's now easier to capture your patient's story—with richer detail and greater accuracy—in EMR or other applications. Dragon for Mac Medical version 5 is now available for OS X Sierra (10.12). Version 5 now has support for Word 2016. Built with a specialized medical vocabulary covering more than 90 medical specialties, Dragon for Mac Medical provides a more efficient way to accurately dictate medical record notes directly into EMR or other applications—all by voice.

Spend More Time with Patients With the ability to dictate up to 3x faster than typing with up to 99% accuracy, capture detailed, high-quality medical record notes faster than ever before. Speak Your Patient's Story Designed with a specialized medical language model and built-in medical vocabulary covering more than 90 specialties and subspecialties, you can count on outstanding dictation accuracy from the first use.

Speak Freely and with Flexibility No matter which device you use—a wireless mic in your office, your Mac’s built-in mic or a digital voice recorder—capture rich, detailed clinical narrative using whichever audio source best suits your needs. System Requirements CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz or faster processor - Intel Core i3, i5 or i7 recommended. RAM: 4GB, 8GB+ recommended OPERATING SYSTEM: OS X Mavericks (10.9), OS X Yosemite (10.10), OS X El Capitan (10.11), or Sierra (10.12). OS X compatibility for recent Dragon Mac products, please see below. OS X 10.9 OS X 10.10 OS X 10.11 OS X 10.12 OS X 10.13 Dragon for Mac 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Dragon for Mac Medical 5 Yes Yes Yes Yes No Dragon Dictate 4 Yes Requires 4.0.6 No No No Dragon Dictate Medical 4 Yes Yes No No No Dragon Dictate 3 Requires 3.0.4 No No No No Dragon Dictate Medical 3 Yes No No No No Product Downloads. (disciplines & specialties). Dragon for Mac Medical Version 5 Quick Start Guide - the help function is within the product itself.

There isn’t a PDF or online guide. Place an Order. Additional Notes from Speakeasy Solutions Installations & License Dragon for Mac medical may be installed on 1 computer, with an additional computer as a backup. Additional computer installations require additional license purchases. This differs from Dragon Medical Practice Edition which permits installation on 4 computers. DragonPad Similar to, Dragon for Mac Medical provides a DragonPad (formerly called the Express Editor) which is similar to the PC version's Dictation Box, enabling the user to dictate with full text control. Most Mac applications and environments do not allow editing or correcting by voice, therefore the DragonPad is vital for dictating into EMRs.

Once dictation and proofreading is complete within the DragonPad, transfer the final text into the EMR - all by voice. Some individuals find that correcting in the DragonPad does not work if the intended word is not listed (the 'edit n' command does not function). Moreover, some individuals find that when using the DragonPad and another application, the focus (and therefore the cursor) switch from the DragonPad to the application, making dictating into the DragonPad difficult. Accent Support Dragon Dictate Medical for Mac supports the following regional accents of non-native English speakers: For US Spelling, there are 9 accent choices:. American. American – Inland Northern. American – Southern.

Australian. British. Indian.


Best Dictation Software For Mac

Latino. Pakistani. Southeast Asian For UK Spelling there are 4 accent choices:. British. Australian.

Indian. Southeast Asian Vocabulary Editor Dragon for Mac Medical's vocabulary editor provides the ability to set alternate written forms (similar to the PC version of Dragon Medical). Is Dragon for Mac Medical the same as Dragon® Medical Practice Edition 2 (for PC)? Dragon for Mac Medical is based on the same speech recognition engine as Dragon® Medical Practice Edition 2 (for PC), and offers the same base 90 medical vocabularies, therefore providing excellent recognition accuracy for medical dictation.

However, Dragon for Mac Medical's ease of use and flexibility (i.e. Vocabulary editor, application compatibility, features etc.) is not the same as Dragon® Medical Practice Edition 2 (for PC) - although is vastly improved from previous Mac speech recognition products. Specifically:. The correction process in the Mac edition involves additional steps over the PC edition, is not reliable, and requires using hands. The 'Dictation Box' in the Mac edition does not offer a Hidden Mode, allowing for review of charts and labs while simultaneously dictating (the transcription is confined to the Dictation Box). The PC edition allows for numerous options with the Dictation Box, satisfying any workflow environment. More commands need to be issued with the Mac edition over the PC edition in order to accomplish the same task by voice.

Some words are resistant to being corrected or trained and thusly learned, which can be frustrating for some. There is no capability for roaming user profiles (i.e. Synchronizing a user profile across multiple networked computers) in the Mac edition. If you use multiple Macs (i.e.

Ninjagram for mac. Several exam rooms), you will need to export your user profile and then import to the other Macs and there is where they will separate. The Mac edition does not permit multiple vocabularies within one user profile.

A user profile must be created for each vocabulary required (i.e. General medical, non-medical, plus a specialty).

The Mac product can only be installed on 2 computers. Apple upgrades their OS faster than Nuance provides updates for Dragon, making the Dragon product often incompatible with the latest Mac OS. Bottom line: If deciding between Mac or PC editions, choose the PC edition of Dragon Medical. However, Dragon for Mac Medical will be quite helpful for physicians already using a Mac in their practice. Dictating is, after all, faster than typing, and the accuracy is fantastic.

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