Meme Arrows Reddit For Mac

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Down Arrow Meme

You've heard of '.' You didn't want to know about it, but there it is for life — or until Tebow's starting job in the NFL is yanked in lieu of a quarterback who knows how to pass at that level. While perhaps not the threat he was in college, is certainly a dynamic running/passing quarterback in the Tebow mold.

And you can blame the NIU Athletics Twitter feed for starting a new 'meme,' or 'Internet sensation that starts for some reason,' known as #Harnishing. I'm guessing this was done in preparation for Northern Illinois' big MAC Championship Game on Friday night against the in Detroit's weather-controlled Ford Field. ←The photo to your direct left is the template for Harnishing.

Sorry, no going back now. So that's all you have to do. Hold something and point into the air. Everyone's getting in on the action, including the coaching staff.

Via @, here's tight ends/fullbacks coach Kevin Kane and grad assistant Joe McKillip: I'm not sure what the beverage adds to the allure. But he couldn't put it down in time to snap the picture. And then via @, here's. There aren't many other great ones. Then again, it just began and rather unorganically. But there's time. So this is your challenge, OHIO.

Meme Arrows Reddit For Mac

Meme Arrows Reddit For Mac

I'm not sure how you would start 'Tettletoning,' But might be a better candidate, since he has a history of # Hersheying. Remember that fake punt against Akron last year, in which he leapt a defender? (image via ) Poll Better MAC football meme to start your day?

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