Solid Union Driving Me Crazy

I am out of ideas with my Bally Cheap squeak for my. Here is the short version of its history: The volume was wonky when I purchased the game.

It seemed to randomly get louder and softer. Msi a6005 drivers for mac. One day it stopped working. I changed the volume control in the coin door. The sound still did not work. Next I recapped the sound board, no luck. Next I diagnosed an issue with the cpu on chip on the sound board. I changed the chip and there was sound!

I didn’t play the game for some time, the sound was gone again. Next, I replaced the volume control in the coin door with the same pot that came with the game. The sound worked when it was wired incorrectly for a few days. After some friendly pinside help, I found out that the pot that came with the game was incorrect. I replace with the specified pot. Over the course of this time, the sound stopped working again.

I have recently burned new sound roms, tested the continuity of the roms to the board, and rigged up a stereo speaker to the game. Still no sound.

When I press the red sound test on the sound board I get the right noise through the speaker. I appreciate any help or ideas to fix this issue. I have spent way to much time on it. Thank you in advance.

If your getting the correct sound(you said noise)when you press the test switch on the board, you most likely have a connector issue. If that sound works, then the roms, 6803, pot, amp and pretty much everything on the board is functioning. What do you get when you activate the sound test with the switch inside the coin door coin door? If nothing, then the sound signals are not getting to the sound board. Sounds like you had intermittent sound issues all along. Check the sound board connector and header pins.


All that stuff you replaced probably had nothing to do with the issue. Bad connections will work on and off, which sounds like your history with this. To clarify - the sound test plays the same noise over and over again. Reading the manual it almost sounds like a different sound is supposed to be produced? The solenoids seem to fire correctly in the test mode.

They also seem to fire correctly when I manually ground them. I did notice the one that flashes the lights (q14 I believe) seems to have some damage. Should something be replaced there? The lights seems to flash correctly despite the damage I purchased a logic probe, but I really don’t know how to use it.

Your Driving Me Crazy

Can you break down what I am supposed to do in more detail or is there a tutorial you would recommend? Thank you for all of the help. 5F5BA349-6304-41B8-866E-28BD94AA0339 (resized).jpeg 5F5BA349-6304-41B8-866E-28BD94AA0339 (resized).jpeg.

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