Where Is The Top Toolbar?

Hello, I'm a newbie and I've only had my PC with W7 for a couple of weeks, so forgive me if this is an incredibly dumb question. When I booted up this morning, the tool bar that is at the top of the desktop does not start up. (The one with MacAfee, media players, recycle bin etc.) I know all those programs are still on the cpu, but I really found this top toolbar very helpful and convenient and now it's dissapeared. Can someone please help me get it back on to my desktop?

I've looked online and on the windows help thing, and could not for the life of me find anything on it. Similar help and support threads Thread Forum I have Windows 7 Home Premium 32 Bit, left work Friday came in Monday morning turned on PC my normal desktop background was different, the toolbar was missing. Internet Explorer was missing all my favorites. Can I get them back?

General Discussion Just bought a new laptop with Windows 7 on it. However, I cannot locate the Bar showing File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools and Help.

Can anyone help with this problem? General Discussion Hi there forum. Just got my new PC from Dell with Windows 7 Home, and was getting everything setup/downloaded, and I restarted, and now my TOP floating toolbar where I was adding the icons to is gone and im not sure how to get it back. Is this normal? I was actually liking that thing!!!

Where is the desktop toolbar windows 10

Where Is The Top Toolbar On Windows

BSOD Help and Support Hi, I just did a clean install of Win7 pro 64 bit on my laptop and am trying to get it back to how it was before. I chose to put my desktop on the toolbar. I went into the personalization and unchecked having the default icons on my desktop and that worked great - they are in the desktop list on.

Where Is The Top Toolbar Keeps

Customization I just installed Win7 Ult 64b on a new PC and there is not a toolbar in Windows Explorer, I can not figure out how to get one added and a google search was not any help. Anyone know how to get a toolbar? I have Win7 on another PC so I know that there is a toolbar for Windows Explorer. General Discussion Our Sites Site Links About Us Find Us.

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