Install Eclipse For Mac

I'm a new Mac user, and I've been trying to install Eclipse IDE Oxygen for Java Devs, but I get the 'An error has occurred. See the log file workspace path/.metadata/.log' error. Its a fresh, first-time install, and I've tried using the tar.gz download and the installer. I've seen other answers say to delete the.metadata folder, but the workspace folder has nothing in it after this failed installation.

I've tried the newest Java version, the legacy Java 6 for Mac, both with no luck. I tried using older versions of Eclipse as well, to no end. Every Mac user in my class has come across the same issue as me, so is it some incompatibility with Java/Eclipse versions and Mac OS? How can we get this working? Quoting Eclipse's known issues list: Configure Eclipse for Java 9 modules Since the Eclipse SDK uses types that aren't in the java.base module, you need to add the following vmargs to eclipse.ini: -add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM Your project might fail to run because you use types that are neither in java.base or, e.g. Types from javafx.base. In that case you have to figure out which module(s) you need to add with -add-modules.


Download Eclipse For Mac Os X 10.6.8

So simply, add this line after -vmargs: -add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM Your eclipse.ini should look like that: -launcher.appendVmargs -vm Java jdk-9 bin javaw.exe -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.8 -add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM For reference, check the known issues of Eclipse with JVM running on SDK 9. Check them Also the bug was reported.

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