Massage Office Professional For Mac

. Credit card processing through X-Charge. NEW. Direct access to business & marketing templates from the menu. NEW. Attach & store documents and files like intake forms and pictures with each client record.

NEW. Custom notes field for every invoice! Canon pixma drivers.

NEW. New and expanded reports!

NEW. Easy Reports makes running reports a breeze. NEW. Issuing & applying credits is now much easier and faster.

Island Software Massage Office Professional

NEW. Picking appointment times is a drop down in 15 minute increments. Easy & fast, fast, FAST!. Create CMS-1500 bills directly from the invoice screen.

Learning database, so you can learn to use features as your needs change. Also very helpful when training new employees. Inactivate therapists, clients, etc. And retain their info. Secure, encrypted database (HIPAA). Much, much more! Therapeutic Massage, LLC.

I researched software to use in my new practice for the past 2 years and I mean I did my research. I found Massage Office Pro 3 to be the absolute best software for massage on the market. I am not only a certified & licensed massage therapist, I am also certified in medical billing and coding.

I have a legal background as well as medical. I have used many other programs that were much more expensive. Of all the programs I've ever used, Massage Office Pro 3 is the easiest, most professional and efficient of them all. As a bonus, the staff at Island Software goes above and beyond to ensure that you are getting the most out of the software. I also added X-Charge Merchant Services and now my credit card processing is integrated allowing me to give professional invoices to my clients upon checkout.

I am now able to keep extraordinary SOAP notes. The SOAP note feature is so easy to use to document the treatment provided and future treatment plans. I never have to wonder what I worked on the last time the client visited the office. This feature creates a confidence in my clients that shows I am well aware of our focus for their overall health. I love this program and I'm so happy I didn’t use a web-based program that doesn't understand the needs of my profession. If any therapist is looking for software that fits the massage industry, look no further.

Massage Office PRO 3 has everything a massage therapist needs.” Meiko Dukes, LMT, CMT. In April of 2012 and I’m so happy that I chose this program! I chose it over others because it had everything that I could possibly need all in one package and then some! I wouldn’t use any other program. I have frequently (and still will) tell other Massage Therapists to just try the 30 day free trial and you’ll see why I love it!

There are just way too many things I love and use daily with this program to even list it here!I have had a few other inquiries from Naturopaths and an Acupuncturist and they wanted to know how come they don’t have a program like this! They can’t find one anywhere. They are going to do the free trial and see if they can use it too! I sell retail and can track my inventory and it tells me when I need to buy more!Now I use Massage Office Pro V3 and I didn’t think it could possibly get any better. I love that I can now attach documents or pictures right to an individual client; I can attach great info/exercises etc from the web right to a particular “illness” or condition and print it right then and there for the client with Treatment Advisor. The new Treatment Advisor will show any contraindications and I can update and revise it to suit me and my particular practice.

Massage Office Professional For Mac

There is also a new Expense Tracker! My business partner (my mother!) is going to love this! Now I print out my monthly expenses which are detailed and hand them over. She can take care of our business end and not have to worry that I won’t be able to tell her the particulars of any receipt. I can seriously go on and on about everything I love about this program, but I won’t.

I’m just going to tell you to do the free 30 day trial and you’ll see I know my practice is better for having this program. You can now track gift cards and make sure you check out the many, many documents you also get for marketing and business. Thank you Steve Kreger and Massage Office Pro! Laura AhernGreen Blessings Center, LLC.

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