Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 For Mac

Slashdot recently posted this article: Not much to it, except two sentences: 'Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) has been given seven minutes during Jobs' keynote to talk about Visual Studio 2010. Chowdrey said that a new version of the development tools software will support native applications for the iPhone, iPad and Mac OS.' This surprised me, so I looked and found a couple more articles on the topic: This one was posted in April: This one was also just posted today, so it's fresh: Is Visual Studio 2010 really coming for Mac OS X? If so, I wonder what languages they are going to support other than Objective-C which was stated in the first article.


Visual Studio For Mac Review

Do you think there will be any.NET support? This is intriguing news. On a final note: It lives!!!!!!!!!!!

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