Why Can't Quicken For Mac

Original review: Nov. 27, 2018 I’ve been a Quicken user since 1994. Over the years the app has changed here and there but for the most part, you knew where things were and things made sense. I upgraded from 2007 version to take advantage of the $29.99/year Cyber Monday promo to try it out. I'm forecasting that the 2007 version of Quicken will probably not work once we go to Mojave which will drop 32-bit support.

To note, I've read that you can cancel the auto-renew subscription, which I did, and the Quicken 2019 app is 'supposed' to continue working even after the expiration date. Quicken is not an app to radically change the user interface, thinking changes will make it better. It’s been made much worse in this 2019 rendition of Quicken. GONE is the empty field at the bottom of your various registers, waiting for you to fill in the next transaction. Nope, now you have to hit a '+' icon and fumble through a clunky entry interface. GONE is the blue/white striped lines you’re used to. GONE is the Title, Payment, Debit on the top line, with Category Memo, and Open Split on the lower line.

GONE is the accounts window you are used to. It’s now in sidebar and feels odd. Want to have two account windows open at once, one atop the other, checking and a CC for example, nope, not anymore. You can only be working in one account at a time.

Pretty much everything you're used to has been erased from this application, and replaced with something else. It's tiring, companies reinventing the wheel thinking 'Ah yes, this will be better. People will like doing things this different way.'

We don't like it. It worked just fine the way it was.

It made sense and its unchanging nature over the decades was a good thing. It was reliable. You could upgrade and use it straight away. It didn't need to be overhauled to the point where long time users will need to re-learn how to use it. To the meeting rooms that thought up this overhaul tactic for the age old, tried and true, Quicken that we all knew and liked, you didn't jump the shark here. You completely blew it. 100% failure.

You should've just polished up the existing one. Instead you lost all the good familiar elements and replaced it with a bunch of useless tat and an awful, unintuitive, cluttered and clumsy user interface. This is bookkeeping software, not rocket science. Keep is simple. Less is more. Look to the past for design inspiration. Original review: Nov.

25, 2018 Amazing. Just upgraded to the 2019 version. Tons of issues. After finally getting all 10 of my accounts set up, I wanted to link some accounts to my bill pay service. Should be simple right??? The morons at this company did not think that it was needed to allow importing of 2017 or prior BILL PAY accounts into the 2019 version. This company thinks we should go through the process of setting the whole damn thing up again.

The same MORONS did not realize that some people have ten bank accounts and hundreds of PAYEES. Well, after using it for 11 months, I regret purchasing 2018. Setting up the online ID was a major pain it the. To make matters worse, it is veeerrryyy slooowww to open. I am sure this is related to the online ID but I cannot get Quicken support to confirm it. They mostly blame my computer or internet connection.

Sometimes when I close an account and go back to the Home Tab, the program does not refresh properly so I have restart it. Ironically, moving to 2018 has given me a reason to move away from Quicken. So as a 20 year customer, I will be researching using other programs like Personal Capital, etc. Original review: Nov. 21, 2018 I started using this platform when it was Andrew Tobia's Managing Your Money, that's probably a 20-year run.

There were always updates that you could pay for, but there were very few times that an update was necessary to continue functioning. The latest update is also a transition from Intuit software to yet another owner. New user IDs needed to be set up, new security, and now Quicken is a subscription service. Despite promises of improvements, the new software is abysmal. Every second or third time I start the software there's an update or patch, and they have degraded rather than improved the software. Last week I was on the phone for over 4 hours, until 7 PM on a Friday night, with tech support, trying to figure out why the balance in the register did not match the balances in the Account Bar for my primary credit card. After hours of file validation, super validation, restoring back up files, ad nauseum the tech decided that the data file must be corrupted.

More time was invested in setting up new accounts and copying old transactions into them to maintain the history, only to discover that all of the budget category assignments are lost on 3 months of newly downloaded transactions that were not copied (since they were available online). Then, when I went to use the program today the problem resurfaced in my primary checking account. They were very quick to refund my annual subscription. But now I probably have no access to syncing accounts or paying bills. This appears to be a company that is doing everything possible to go out of business. Original review: Oct. 29, 2018 I have used Quicken for many years and frankly not any major changes over the years to make it worthwhile owning.


Most major finance software make major interface changes over the years, but Quicken has pretty much remained the same. It is still as buggy as ever and I can never get the bank updates to work consistently over the years. I primarily use it to balance my checkbooks, but now with the yearly subscription it is definitely not worth it.

My personal opinion, 'See you Quicken', don't need it anymore. I just downloaded Personal Capital and it is a great tool. It won't balance your checkbook, but what information! Original review: Oct.

25, 2018 I have used Quicken for many years and loved it. I never have used the link bills or auto payments, but I like to have good records of my bills, loans, bank accounts checking and savings. I have become very upset lately because when I look at my bills I see missing bills, also there are many duplicated bills.

The balances are not correct. This is not helpful in tracking my finances but a lot of extra work constantly correcting quicken. When I bring Quicken up it takes forever to come up with the program, since I do not use any online features that does not make sense to me.

Sad to say I once loved this program but will have to say goodbye to Quicken and just do everything by hand. Original review: Oct. 18, 2018 I have used Quicken software and Quicken Bill Pay for 15+ years and upgraded to the annual premium Quicken with free Bill Pay. Beware, they don't transfer the old Quicken Bill pay account and you are forced to set up a new user ID and password and have to go through the verification process to get the account approved. Setting up bank accounts is not as easy as it was before when you entered the bank account information, routing number, waited two or three business days for micro deposits to the account, and the account was approved. That is not the case with the new version.

You have to set up the account, then wait a couple weeks for them to send you a secure email which requires you to have to set up another password to view. They require you to send in copies of voided check, driver's license, current utility bill, and your Social Security card or something to verify your Social Security number.

The whole process is very confusing and time consuming. You would think they could use the old bill pay information and just transfer over my bank accounts. After almost a month, I think I am almost there with the conversion, but beware it will be time consuming so don't close the old bill pay account until the new one is up and running. You also have to go into the Quicken software and add Bill Payment with new user ID password to connect the software, so you don't get charged the monthly $9.95 fee. My conversion process to Quicken 2018, now 2019 software itself was simple and everything seems to be working. Original review: Sept. 16, 2018 Several days ago one of my Quicken accounts would not update via 'one step update.'

Request for lol-replay software for mac. Got error code 505 over several days. Eventually I called the Quicken telephone support line (per Quicken instructions). Call was answered quickly and when I explained the problem he immediately wanted online access to my system. It being Quicken I allowed it.

He ran several utilities on my system and one after another he found a problem that he had a solution for - the first being my anti-virus software which he said was ineffective and suggested another which was not free. Secondly he found that this particular account's file was 'corrupted' on my computer and as a solution I could buy an 8 (I think) or a 10 year subscription to Quicken for $199 or $299 that he would be happy to install. I declined and he ended the call. I will not darken their telephone support line again and hope that I can find software that will not subject me to this kind of blatant hustle. If I could be done with Quicken I would be!

The answer I found today. After right clicking on the file's name and bringing up the edit/delete window, going to the online tab and clicking on reset and then waiting a couple of minutes while Quicken contacts the system from where the data is downloaded, the problem was solved. All done in less than 2 minutes -not the 30 minutes I spent with this fellow while he was doing nothing but putting on a show while trying to sell me something.

Note this is NOT Intuit. Intuit sold the software to these people and while Intuit was not perfect they did their customers no favor by selling Quicken to this new company. Original review: Sept. 13, 2018 I updated my Quicken 2018 and the program kept crashing after. The first time I got customer service, I was put through paces of trying things for over an hour. When I suggested that I'd like to talk with the supervisor, the woman told me there was no point in that-the supervisors had no more tools than she did.

When I said I'd still like to speak to one, the line went dead. After 15 minutes and no call back, I called again. Nothing was made of my complaint, but another woman tried to help me. Same stuff, same procedures for another hour.

I got the same response when I asked for a supervisor. She refused and said there was nothing she could do.

So, my only option seems to be to cancel Quicken and look for something else. This was a terrible experience and I'll never use their product again. Original review: Aug. 29, 2018 I have been using Quicken for years, I go to update to 2018. They need all this paperwork sent to them for verification. I understand that but I am still trying to get my account verified after sending them all the documentation and been waiting for over 2 weeks.

Their support sucks!!! You ask to speak with a supervisor and they tell you hold on then come back and says no one is available. I have had it. Going out to another vendor. Their service and support is TERRIBLE. Don't get the application and try and use Quicken Bill Pay!!! Original review: Aug.

4, 2018 Awful, awful company. The software gets worse every year. More and more bugs. I'm a longtime customer since 1999 and I've been able to avoid database corruption in Quicken by avoiding any of the new features they've added in the last 5 years.

Quicken knows it has most of its long time customers in a bind. We've spent years and years entering transactions/securities, etc and we don't want to lose all that history. And there is no real competitor that has all the features Quicken has. Also, the support forum at Get Satisfaction can be an exercise in frustration. The Quicken moderators regularly remove any posts that say anything negative about the product.

Very, very insulting. They treat their customers like bratty children. I like most Quicken users can't wait to find some alternative.

When that day arrives the customers will leave in droves. Original review: July 30, 2018 This product (Quicken 2018) couldn't be more confusing or frustrating. I tried for 3 months to sync my transactions, manually tag and enter them, and separate my personal from my business expenses, and ultimately had to scrap all my work and redo it manually. I tried their support, web chat, online forums, etc. But the product and app are so confusing I couldn't figure out how to make it work. My advice is that if you struggle AT ALL with technology to STAY CLEAR of this product at all costs!


Original review: July 17, 2018 Quicken 2018 is definitely a downgrade from what Quicken used to be under Intuit. Unfortunately there isn't much choice in this software arena anymore. I'm guessing there will be soon given the number of 1 star reviews on this site. Arithmetic is easy, and should be a given for a finance software tool. And yet I find incorrect totals frequently that do not correct themselves until I log out and log back in.

It means I can't trust the numbers I see, which is the most basic function of a home finance software platform. But far worse than the bugs is the third-party Quicken Bill Pay partner (Metavante Payment Services). Not only is the service and user interface horrible, but they are blatant thieves.

I decided to give them a try, but after a month I couldn't use the service anymore. It was just awful, and I almost missed a bill because I didn't get the notification.

I never had those types of problems using my online banking, so I went back to their bill pay service. I canceled my Quicken Bill Pay, and thought that was the end. Two months later they took money out of my account.

I never authorized it, and I had done nothing that would have warranted additional charges according to the terms & conditions I agreed to. I called and pointed out the mistake. They tried to show me where I was wrong, but the terms they showed me actually proved I was right.

They opened a ticket for a refund. Keep in mind this is only $5.

The claim was denied with no explanation. The thought of them doing this to their thousands of customers and profiting from it irked me to no end, so I decided to follow up again. Once again I was directed to terms and conditions that backed up my position.

I was told a supervisor would call me back. That never happened. I called again and they told me they would open another request for a refund. I told them that wasn't good enough, I needed to talk to supervisor.

I've still not gotten a call back, and never got a refund. The fact that a company would go to these lengths to keep $5 that they clearly do not have a right to tells you all you need to know about them. And based on the justification they gave me for not refunding the money, my hunch is that they are overcharging all of their Quicken customers. They get away with it because the dollar amounts are low enough that people don't notice or don't bother to go after them. It seems like this would be a great opportunity for a class action lawsuit. I'm volunteering to be a plaintiff if anyone wants to take the case just because they annoy me so much. And I hate to think of all the people they are stealing from because they aren't savvy enough to know they can usually pay their bills online for free through their bank.

2 weeks later, I received a charge for $5 for exceeding the 15 transaction limit per month. I don't have that many transactions, so I had to have the customer service rep walk me through the transactions. Turns out they count receiving a bill and paying the SAME BILL as TWO separate transactions. I have automated rules set up for everything, so they only handle each bill once. Well, they got me for $15 and they refuse to give it up.

I would stick with them, but I can't stand the nickel and dime attitude and the deceptive practices. Anyway, I'm glad I didn't delete everything from my bank bill payment system (FREE), because I'm going back to that. Tl;dr I do NOT recommend Quicken Billpay. Maybe they'll get their act together one day, but this is not that day. I will likely also report this to the consumer protection bureau because I think it was very deceptive. Original review: June 17, 2018 Like thousands of other customers using Quicken 2016 or 2017, Quicken stopped syncing with my bank after the software update in May. I spent five hours working with customer service without getting a solution.

The whole time they acted like this was a problem they'd never seen before, but it turned out they'd already had lots of users complaining about it for weeks! Quicken offered lots of suggestions; some of them fixed the problem for some people, but some of us were still stuck. They finally released an update for 2016 with a promise that the 2017 correction would soon follow. But then they started getting complaints that the 2016 update created new problems, so they shut down the discussion, deleted most of the complaints, and posted an official statement saying the problem was corrected.

Stay away from these incompetent crooks. By the way, Quicken is not a part of Intuit anymore. Original review: June 12, 2018 Have used Quicken for many years, buying upgrades every 2-3 years. Slowly over the last 1-2 years it has become increasingly buggy, mainly with online connections.

I used to assume this was due to additional security measures that financial institutions are implementing, but now I'm pretty sure the problem is Quicken. In the last 2 months I have spent dozens of hours resetting account connections, fixing the Quicken ID, re-downloading the program and reinstalling. At times it would connect, then it wouldn't. Finally seemed that I had everything working last week. Now I go to connect again and it acts like I am connected, but no transactions show.

Then I start re-setting accounts and it gives me more errors. I am done with this horrendous product. Quicken you just lost a decades long user.

Original review: June 8, 2018 It is the most unfriendly program ever. I had the nice basic program on Windows but switched to a Mac and was forced into buying 2017 Quicken. My nightmare began. First, I just want to enter my transactions as I did before - no bank tie in.

I can not get a balance to come up. I can not get the same company name to work for either spending and income. It can not differentiate between the two. So if I started at income for a company, it refuses to be spending. It changes balances.

It adds all of my different accounts into one main balance and I can't make it go to just one account as I did. Original review: May 23, 2018 Has anyone else had a nightmare upgrading from Quicken 2015?

In addition to disabling my online banking download and bill pay, I have had all kinds of issues since they ended support for Q 2015 this month. Here are some of the issues I face: 1. The program not opening up my file forcing me to spend time figuring out where the active file was kept. Multiple messages to upgrade to Q 2018 even though I opted out of getting any more messages.

Not able to download transactions from bank anymore (I tend to think they disabled this proactively instead of just ending support). Continuing to charge for Quicken Bill pay. No way, no how will I pay an annual subscription fee. Quicken had a protocol where you would need to update about every 36 months (maybe a bit more). If you didn’t upgrade you lost the ability to automatically download from your credit cards. So it was about $50 every three years to upgrade.

Now if I wanted to be frugal I would have just downloaded the files from each site and imported them. During a three year cycle, the annual subscription fee is equivalent to a 300% increase. Nope – I won’t do it.

Quicken will not get a dime from me for any future upgrades and I will go back to the manual downgrade / import of the files. I sincerely hope that Quicken shot themselves in the foot with the fee scheme. Original review: May 16, 2018 The company practices extortion. I own Quicken 2015 Deluxe. My desktop needed to be factory reset because of a corrupted file.


ALL the software I own (quite a lot) installed without problem, EXCEPT for Quicken 2015 Deluxe. Only 3 years old, I own it, have the disc. They lock you out of reinstalling it. This is outrageous and should be illegal. Several of the software packages I DID reinstall were much older than Quicken's. I know all the story of Intuit selling off Quicken. I know they now RENT software for about $50/year.

Accounting is simple. Original review: May 15, 2018 I have used Quicken (for Mac) since its inception and have upgraded regularly.

Since upgrading to 2018 I have had nothing but problems. I have lost transactions, been unable to download from institutions and the last time I ran it the program was 'saving to Quicken 2016,' which I didn't think was even on my computer. I've spent hours with tech support but each time there is a partial fix and I manually update my registers something else goes haywire and I am back to lost info and am unable to reconcile through online.

Does anyone have a better product for personal investing and home finance? Original review: May 9, 2018 We have been satisfied, loyal Quicken customers since the early 90's. Quicken-TurboTax-Intuit has exploded & gone separate ways.

The purchasers of Quicken have decided to gouge the existing customer base. With little warning, Quicken disables all account downloads from existing financial accounts.

The software will not link directly to financial institutions & will not import downloaded transaction files. This is Quicken's way of forcing customers to pay $60-$100 per year for their new subscription service.

Which is buggy & doesn't work as advertised. We have worked with Quicken through many changes over decades. This heavy handed approach not only gives the finger to long standing customers.


And spread negative word of mouth forever! Congratulations, Quicken. You have destroyed your customer base in one fell swoop. Original review: May 7, 2018 Just installed Quicken 2018 Home, Business & Rental Property. Have used Quicken for decades.

Cannot connect to financial institutions - connection error message. Chase gives me customer service phone number for Quicken. Customer service rep says the data was backed up 'wrong' in Quicken 2015 before I installed Quicken 2018. I have to buy a support plan for $149/year to get help - after just buying the $149 product since the 2015 version would no longer download data.

Seems like a huge, huge scam. Beware, beware, beware. Original review: May 1, 2018 Been a client of both Quicken and Bill Pay since 1993. I received a notice.

To maintain my bill pay service I needed to upgrade to 2018, which is now a subscription service. I bought the premier Quicken with free bill pay (found out later it's only free for a limited time). Per their instructions I needed to setup a new bill pay account, I did. Spent an entire month back and forth with customer service. I had to call them every few days to get updates. I was denied 2 days after my 30 day guarantee ran out to return my new quicken. No explanation, just, it's been denied.

I have an excellent credit rating, go figure their denying me. After an hour I did get my money back. I'm done with Quicken.

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Review this list of reasons; if the issue has only happened once, one of the situations below is the likely cause:. Has the sort order been changed in the register? Confirm that the Sort Order in your account is by Date; just click the top of the Date column in your account register.

It's possible the transactions are in your register, but not where you thought they should be. Click the Reset button at the top of the register, to confirm that there's no filtering in your account register. Are these missing transactions over 90 days old?

Most banks have a limit (usually 90 days) on transaction download. If you need transaction history older than what the download contains, many banks will make this available on their website via Web Connect. To use Web Connect, you can, or contact your bank. Are these transactions still marked as 'pending' on your bank's website? Pending transactions have been authorized by your bank but not cleared and paid from your account yet.

Most banks don't allow transactions to download until the transaction clears the bank. Are you using Web Connect (logging in to your bank's website to manually download transactions into Quicken)? Some banks only allow downloads to Quicken after the statement closing date, meaning that you won't see new transactions in Quicken until the statement closes. If you can't select a date range when you try to download from your bank, it means that you're only able to download new transactions after the statement closing date. Was the missing transaction incorrectly matched to another transaction in the register? This is common with repeating payments made to the same payee for the same amount.

Have any transactions been deleted recently? Transactions won't download again after being deleted. If a transaction was deleted in error, you can re-enter it manually (if there's a large group of deleted transactions, it may also be easier to restore a backup).

Was the transaction moved from one account register to another? Click on All Transactions in your account bar and search for the missing transaction. If you find the transactions in an incorrect account, you can move the transactions to the correct account: just select the transaction(s), right-click, and select Move transaction(s). Select the correct account and click OK. Was an older backup restored after you accepted the downloaded transaction(s)? The backup file will restore account information up to the date it was created, which may be before the missing transactions were downloaded. If this issue occurs frequently. First, if the issue is still not resolved, do the following steps in order:.

Go to Edit Preferences Downloaded Transactions. The option Automatically add to banking registers needs to be unchecked. Refresh your online account information by clicking the Actions Gear Icon on the upper right of the register, and select Update Now. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update. Confirm that the Sort Order in your account is by Date; just click the top of the Date column in your account register.

It's possible the transactions are in your register, but not where you thought they should be. Click the Reset button at the top of the register, to confirm that there's no filtering in your account register. Go to Actions (Gear Icon) Register Columns Check Downloaded Payee in the account register. This allows you to search by Payee to confirm the transactions haven't been renamed unexpectedly. Go to Tools Account List and check Show Hidden Accounts at the bottom left to confirm the missing transactions haven't been added to a hidden account. If the steps above didn't work: If the issue isn't resolved and this is not a one-time event, please. Monitoring alerts, data downloads, and feature updates are available through the end of your membership term.

Online services require internet access. Third-party terms and additional fees may apply. Phone support, online features, and other services vary and are subject to change.

14,500+ participating financial institutions as of October 1, 2018. Standard message and data rates may apply for sync, e-mail and text alerts. Visit for details. Quicken App is compatible with iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android phones and tablets. Not all Quicken desktop features are available in the App. The App is a companion app and will work only with Quicken 2015 and above desktop products.

Why Is Quicken For Mac So Bad

Quicken Bill Pay (Bill Payment Services provided by Metavante Payment Services, LLC) is included in Quicken Premier and above and is available on as a separate add-on service in Starter and Deluxe. 15 payments per month included in Premier and above. Purchase entitles you to Quicken for 1 or 2 years (depending upon length of membership purchased), starting at purchase. Full payment is charged to your card immediately. At the end of the membership period, membership will automatically renew every year and you will be charged the then-current price (prices subject to change). You may cancel before renewal date.

For full details, consult the Quicken Membership Agreement. You can manage your subscription at your My Account page. Quicken 2019 for Windows imports data from Quicken for Windows 2010 or newer, Microsoft Money 2008 and 2009 (for Deluxe and higher). Quicken 2019 for Mac imports data from Quicken for Windows 2010 or newer, Quicken for Mac 2015 or newer, Quicken for Mac 2007, Quicken Essentials for Mac, Banktivity.

30-day money back guarantee: If you’re not satisfied, return this product to Quicken within 30 days of purchase with your dated receipt for a full refund of the purchase price less shipping and handling fees. See for full details and instructions. Quicken for Mac software and the Quicken App are not designed to function outside the U.S.

The VantageScore provided under the offer described here uses a proprietary credit scoring model designed by VantageScore Solutions, LLC. There are numerous other credit scores and models in the marketplace, including different VantageScores. Please keep in mind third parties may use a different credit score when evaluating your creditworthiness.

Also, third parties will take into consideration items other than your credit score or information found in your credit file, such as your income. VantageScore®, Equifax®, Experian® and TransUnion® are registered trademarks of their respective owners. All 2018 and newer versions of Quicken entitle users to 5GB of free Dropbox storage while subscription is in effect.

EQUIFAX is a registered trademark of Equifax Inc. The other Equifax marks used herein are trademarks of Equifax Inc. Other product and company names mentioned herein are property of their respective owners. Portfolio tracking included with Quicken Premier and Quicken Home & Business on Windows. Payment links are only available for Quicken Premier and Home & Business.

Illustrations © Adam Simpson. All rights reserved. © 2018 Quicken Inc. All rights reserved. Quicken is a registered trademark of Intuit Inc., used under license.

© 2018 Quicken Inc. All rights reserved. Quicken is a registered trademark of Intuit Inc., used under license. IPhone, iPod, iPad Touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. And other countries. Android is a trademark of Google Inc. Dropbox, PayPal, Yelp, and other parties’ marks are trademarks of their respective companies.

Terms, conditions, features, availability, pricing, fees, service and support options subject change without notice. Corporate Headquarters: 3760 Haven Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025.

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