Omnigraffle 6 5 For Mac

Omni Group OmniGraffle, its workflow diagramming app, to version 6.0. It was a major update that included a brand-new UI, Retina display support and a ton of new features. When it launched, version 6 was only available on Omni Group's online storefront. Omni Group that starting today, a Mac App Store version for you to purchase and download. The Mac App Store app has all the features of the store-bought version. It even includes upgrade pricing via an in-app purchase. Omni Group is selling the standard version of OmniGraffle 6 in the Mac App Store for US$99, with an in-app purchase to unlock Pro features like AppleScript, Visio import/export and more.


The amount of this in-app purchase will vary based upon whether you own a previous Mac App Store version of OmniGraffle. To receive the upgrade pricing to the Pro version, current Mac App Store customers must install OmniGraffle 5 from the App Store. Once version 5 is installed, you need to purchase version 6 from the Mac App Store for $99. Then open the newly installed OmniGraffle 6 app and select 'Upgrade to Professional' from the menu.

The app will ask you to locate your OmniGraffle 5 install. If you own the standard version of OmniGraffle 5, then you'll be prompted to spend $50 to upgrade to the Pro version.

If you already own the pro version of OmniGraffle 5, the in-app upgrade to enable to the pro features of OmniGraffle 6 will be free. You can download from the Mac App Store starting today. A is available from Omni Group's website.

OmniGraffle Pro 6.5.3 Need a diagram, process chart, quick page-layout, website wireframe or graphic design? OmniGraffle can help you make eye-popping graphic documents quickly by keeping lines connected to shapes even when they're moved, providing powerful styling tools, and magically organizing diagrams with just one click. Whether you need a quick sketch or an epic technical figure, OmniGraffle keeps it gorgeously understandable. OmniGraffle 6 is a completely redesigned version of the application, offering integrated Inspector and Stencil windows, a brand new Resource Browser to manage stencils and templates, new artistic Fill and Stroke styles, improved Shared layers, powerful Shape Combinations, better Image Masking and Cropping, and a bevy of other new features.

NEW FEATURES. OmniGraffle 6 offers a complete User Interface redesign from the ground up. Application resources such as Templates and Stencils can now be fully managed from within the application. Improved and powerful controls have been added to edit and mask placed images directly on the canvas. New artistic Fill and Stroke styles have been added: Freehand, Stipple, and Marker. Line Labels can now be set to follow the path of a curved line. The color and position of manual Guides can now be set by hand, and can be dragged from one canvas to another.

PRO FEATURES (AVAILABLE VIA IN-APP PURCHASE). Visio import/export: Open Microsoft Visio® documents (VSD or VDX) directly in OmniGraffle, as well as Visio stencils (VSS) and templates (VST).

Export to Visio XML documents (VDX). Shared layers: Easily update common elements that you'd like to display on multiple canvases. Layers can now be toggled between a normal and a Shared layer. New controls specify which edge or center of an object is reflected in the Geometry Inspector. You can set the X and Y coordinates of a selected vertex point.

Omnigraffle 6

Shape combinations: Easily create new shapes using combinations of existing shapes (with support for union, intersection, and subtraction). Combined shapes can now be uncombined into their component shapes. Resolution-independent Display Scale: When zoom is at 100%, match an Apple point, PostScript point, or screen pixel. Photoshop export has returned, and supports the export of OmniGraffle layers to Photoshop layers. Tables: Group shapes using tables, making it easy to add new rows or columns of your template shape.

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