Pro Tools Hd 10 Producer, For Mac

PRO TOOLS HD 9, 10 Compantibility with Hackingtosh I first want to thank Tony, Mac Man and other contributors who made it possible to have on our computers OSX, Musicians, Hackers, Media Workers who really sometime dont have money to pay a mac pro to do they work. So thanks Well, The objetive of this thred is make a list os the Mothers Boards and hardware with full compatibility with PRO TOOLS HD who, like we know needs PCI and PCIe Cards to can run the The HD CORE And ACCEL CARD to connect the interfaces, and OSX just have native suport with very specifically chip sets like z68 and others who i dont know. So we need to verify - ALL Mothers Boards with Native Suports with PCI and PCIe to the HD Core Card and HD Accel Card. Ezonics webcam drivers for mac. IF is possible number of PCI and PCIe SLOTS (to determinate if a build to ProTools HD1, 2 or 3) - Mothers Boards with PCI and PCIe compatibility and also with Thunderbolt. Mothers Boards with Thunderbolt And,Magma ExpressBox 3T (someone Confirm compatibility) Just HDX (New Core and Accel Cards) - Mothers boards working with Magma Classic expansion 7PCIe Slots (Via PCIe to the computer) - Native Suport or not native Supports of Power Management (Some people reports ProTools HD Builds on 2011 socket) with very awesome stability with protools HD. Please confirm model of the Mother Boards.

Proccesors Recomended fully worked on this kind of builds(HyperThearing and Torbo Boost) - Motherboard with Firewire and 'PCI to HD Core ' o 'PCIe HD Accel Card ' compatibility. With the data recompiled here, i hope make a Standards Builds With Full compatibility to Pro Tools HD Systems and Help to all musicians and producers in this community of tonymacx86. We hope too tonymacx86, MacMan, toleda and all awesome guys who know all about OSX and Hardware can help resolve this things about the mother boards and chipset compatibility to have native suports with PCI and PCIe CARD. Will be awesome in the future have Produccon Builds on the Buyers Guide. I Hope make this happend. No offense, but IMHO, I don't see the same value of a thread like this, as compared to the value we get with the Audio Interfaces thread for all our audio folks. PCI and PCIe are industry standards, and as such are designed to work (and are certified to work) the same way, regardless of motherboard manufacturer by the PCIe-SIG.

I would submit to you that any motherboard that has been on - or is currently on - any of the TonyMacx86 Buyer's Guide lists would all work with HD Native or HDX cards, as long as users follow build/installation guidelines and have a good stable build. As for PCI-based Pro Tools systems, of course one would need to pay close attention & take care as to the version of the operating system (and version of Pro Tools) currently supported by those cards & that platform. IMHO, PCI is more of a 'legacy' interface as compared to PCIe these days, so THAT would be the better compatibility matrix (IMHO). With the audio interfaces post, while the interface standards are the same (USB2.0, FW400, PCI, and PCIe), the software drivers and implementation will DEFINITELY vary from manufacturers. THAT is why the audio interface thread was started - to track & report success or issues with each interface model/manufacturer + connection + OS combination. And while I (and I'm sure the other moderators) appreciate your enthusiasm to contribute in a meaningful way, spamming a half-dozen different posts across the forum (as well as my PM) with links back to this new thread & encouraging us to get on board is not the way to achieve your goal.

Pro tools first for macPro Tools Hd 10 Producer, For Mac

Please just keep that in mind going forward.thanks in advance for your understanding! Well with BoomR's and Stork's build advice - real world scenario - PT 10 Logic Apogee Rosetta 64 bit early S/W build and Rosetta 800s/ UAD Quad and Duo - I happily watched my mate at the Brits the other week mix it with Adele etc via his Hackintosh as a nominee for best single, and got him to buy me beers this week as his 4.8 million sales came thru with (quite ironically due to the internet explorer 9 Alex Clare Too Close ad licensed music) gentlefolk it ain't what you do it the way that you use it less numbers more noise IMHO! /chapeau to all here though without your ingenuity we'd be back to PC and Atari - well maybe not lol;p. Hmmm, I just checked that 'Audio Interfaces' thread boomr mentioned, and I have to agree with the OP on this one. That other thread covers just about every possible 'non-hd' audio interface, but appears to say NOTHING about Pro Tools HD compatible builds, especially regarding the issues with motherboards and native pci support. Granted, there are many, MANY posts, both here and elsewhere, regarding builds that run older interface cards on newer operating systems and software, and quite a few posts that focus specifically on the issue of supporting the older pci/pcix pro tools hd cards, but the information is scattered across numerous posts (and websites) and most of those threads have been dormant for quite some time now.

I've been researching this topic for MONTHS, and I've yet to find a good 'one stop' resource for this specific information. While it is relatively simple to get osx running on any number of computer builds, the compatibility with Pro Tools HD software and hardware is very limited. This site is THE place for everything 'hackintosh'; everything EXCEPT this one important topic. I've ditched my TDM systems due to limited PCI compatibility (and Protools 11 incoming) and for my personal studio not gone down the HDX route - went Apogee Symphony (USB and Thunderbolt) instead with no problems at all. PT 10.3.5 working fine native - Apogee Symphony, Apogee Symphony PCIe card with Rosettas and UAD 64 confirmed working with PT 10 on the Gigabyte 1155 Z77X-UP5 TH board (a la Storks build. No sleep problems.

I can try one of my HDX cards in there, if you like, from one of my other suites. No offense, but IMHO, I don't see the same value of a thread like this, as compared to the value we get with the Audio Interfaces thread for all our audio folks.

PCI and PCIe are industry standards, and as such are designed to work (and are certified to work) the same way, regardless of motherboard manufacturer by the PCIe-SIG. I would submit to you that any motherboard that has been on - or is currently on - any of the TonyMacx86 Buyer's Guide lists would all work with HD Native or HDX cards, as long as users follow build/installation guidelines and have a good stable build. As for PCI-based Pro Tools systems, of course one would need to pay close attention & take care as to the version of the operating system (and version of Pro Tools) currently supported by those cards & that platform. IMHO, PCI is more of a 'legacy' interface as compared to PCIe these days, so THAT would be the better compatibility matrix (IMHO). With the audio interfaces post, while the interface standards are the same (USB2.0, FW400, PCI, and PCIe), the software drivers and implementation will DEFINITELY vary from manufacturers. THAT is why the audio interface thread was started - to track & report success or issues with each interface model/manufacturer + connection + OS combination. And while I (and I'm sure the other moderators) appreciate your enthusiasm to contribute in a meaningful way, spamming a half-dozen different posts across the forum (as well as my PM) with links back to this new thread & encouraging us to get on board is not the way to achieve your goal.

Please just keep that in mind going forward.thanks in advance for your understanding! Click to expand. Not to pick on you BoomR - but this is a necessary thread. Pro Tools is in every major recording studio in the world PERIOD. To just slough it all off as 'just another audio interface ' is a wee bit short sighted. Those 'LEGACY' PCI-X TDM cards that several people on here (mostly moderators) like to poke fun at.well, if those 'geniuses' actually knew that those 'ancient' cards actually OUTPERFORM the native/HDX as far as true 'INPUT MONITORING' instead of 'LOW LATENCY MONITORING' maybe they would show a little respect.

I understand that there are bigger fish to fry (MAVERICKS ooooh so cool), but MOST of the people building hacks are using them for this keep their HUGE cash investment working into the future, even if its just on OLD,TIRED, and unhip Mountain Lion builds that are SOOO LAST YEAR. Im so sick of this attitude, about a year ago i hopped onto the irc chat to get some quick answers to some very simple questions, i waited patiently for my turn, made sure not to barge into the clubhouse demanding answers to stupid questions and what i got instead was MODS taking jabs at my ENTIRE build, 'why would you want to build that?'

And so on and so forth, then they spent another half hour making fun of the fact that my TDM cards were PCI-X! Little did they know those cards new were worth more than their crappy advice ever will be. In the end, they answered my question, but only after wasting a disgusting amount of time making fun of me and my 'ancient' cards. form. There needs to be an entirely different category/forum for the PTHD or just PRO TOOLS in general here.i understand it isnt the new hippest.

builds, but we are here to work and continue to work and share our progress, to me.anything else just leads to more work from the MODS, so what gives? If PTHD buiilds are such a waste of time, what is the purpose of this entire web forum? Not to pick on you BoomR - but this is a necessary thread. Pro Tools is in every major recording studio in the world PERIOD. To just slough it all off as 'just another audio interface ' is a wee bit short sighted. Those 'LEGACY' PCI-X TDM cards that several people on here (mostly moderators) like to poke fun at.well, if those 'geniuses' actually knew that those 'ancient' cards actually OUTPERFORM the native/HDX as far as true 'INPUT MONITORING' instead of 'LOW LATENCY MONITORING' maybe they would show a little respect.

I understand that there are bigger fish to fry (MAVERICKS ooooh so cool), but MOST of the people building hacks are using them for this keep their HUGE cash investment working into the future, even if its just on OLD,TIRED, and unhip Mountain Lion builds that are SOOO LAST YEAR. Im so sick of this attitude, about a year ago i hopped onto the irc chat to get some quick answers to some very simple questions, i waited patiently for my turn, made sure not to barge into the clubhouse demanding answers to stupid questions and what i got instead was MODS taking jabs at my ENTIRE build, 'why would you want to build that?' And so on and so forth, then they spent another half hour making fun of the fact that my TDM cards were PCI-X! Little did they know those cards new were worth more than their crappy advice ever will be. In the end, they answered my question, but only after wasting a disgusting amount of time making fun of me and my 'ancient' cards. form. There needs to be an entirely different category/forum for the PTHD or just PRO TOOLS in general here.i understand it isnt the new hippest.


Pro Tools Hd 10 Producer For Mac Compatibility

builds, but we are here to work and continue to work and share our progress, to me.anything else just leads to more work from the MODS, so what gives? If PTHD buiilds are such a waste of time, what is the purpose of this entire web forum? Click to expand.Again, you missed the entire point of my post & comments.

You misunderstood my point that a more helpful thread would be (and is) compatibility of the myriad of interfaces with CustoMac vs. A thread about mobos with legacy PCI. I wasn't confusing ProTools the platform (application and collection of hardware devices) as 'just another audio interface.' You should check your self-righteous indignation at the door & read more carefully.

If you can find a Gigabyte motherboard that has the correct PCI support & that is part of the Buyer's Guide recommended hardware, then you shouldn't have any problems with your build. PCI is a standard and, in theory should work as implemented.

There are reasons that the Buyer's Guide exists - and that is the relative ease of the build and compatibility with tonymacx86 tools. While other boards from other manufacturers should also work, time & time again they frequently prove to be a LOT more work to get them up & running, plus keeping them stable. So you must realize that straying from the recommended components is done at your own risk; it also puts you at the mercy of other users who have the time & willingness to assist you in troubleshooting. For the record, and as a matter of easily verifiable fact, the new HDX cards RUN CIRCLES around the legacy TDM cards in both horsepower and capacity (including monitoring and latency) - if you think otherwise, then you are getting your information from the wrong place. Having said all this, you will have to watch what version of OSX that you will be able to use in your build, as your TDM cards are only supported up to a point - you'll not be able to do a Mavericks build for your legacy PTHD TDM rig, and the newest version of PTHD that you'll ever be able to use is 10 (which is not technically supported on anything newer than OSX 10.7.4 Lion).

Since HDX is still relatively new, AVID is still offering some trade in/trade up offers. As much as it pains you to think about it, you may want to start thinking a bit further down the road and take advantage of them while your hardware is still worth something.

PTHD builds are NOT a waste of time, but you are sorely mistaken to presume/imply that PTHD builds are ONLY based on TDM hardware. PTHD builds now include HDX cards and HD Native cards. So this forum will still continue because people will be wanting to build a CustoMac for their latest gen HD Native and HDX cards (and, like you, try to squeeze the last bit of life out of your TDM hardware). I would be willing to guess that more & more people will want the luxury of a more traditional 'tower' build for their PCIe-based systems via CustoMac, now that the new MacTrashCanPro is shipping (which has ZERO PCIe slots and which requires the purchase of a Magma chassis for their cards).

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