Setting Up Raspbian Stretch Lite For Mac
Installing Raspian Stretch on a Raspberry Pi 22 Nov 2017 These are instructions for installing the Raspian Stretch (Debian) system on a Raspberry Pi. 1) Set up the SD card You want a name brand ‘class 10’ card with about 16 GB. 1.1) Download image an image of the Raspian operating system. You want to ‘Download ZIP’ for ‘Raspian Stretch Lite’. As of Nov 16, 2017 the image was named 2017-09-07-raspbian-stretch-lite. As of April 19, 2018 the image was named 2018-04-18-raspbian-stretch-lite. As of Oct 17, 2018 the image was named 2018-10-09-raspbian-stretch-lite.
1.2) Copy the downloaded image to SD card If you run into trouble, follow this. On MacOS Unzip file by right clicking file and selecting Open With - Archive (default). This will yield a.img file. Insert an SD card into the Mac and use DiskUtil to format it as Fat32. You can find the in /Applications/utilities.
In OSX Sierra this is DiskUtil - Erase - Format as ‘MS-DOS (FAT)’. Find the location of your SD card. Sudo dd bs =1m if =/Users/cudmore/Downloads/2018-10-09-raspbian-stretch-lite.img of =/dev/rdisk4 Note that this command requires /dev/rdisk rather than /dev/disk. Once the.img is copying to the SD card, you will not get any feedback from the command line. You can either wait for it to finish (this can vary from 1-3 minutes) and if you are impatient, you can see the progress with keyboard ctrl+t. Be very careful with this command, if you have multiple hard-drives make sure you specify the SD card we are using.
If you get it wrong you could wipe an entire hard-drive. Once dd is done, the SD card should re-appear on the desktop named ‘boot’. On Windows Follow install guides. 1.3) Configure the Pi to run ssh at boot The SSH server allows you to login to the Pi with a command prompt.
Raspbian usually has the SSH server disabled by default and it needs to be activated manually. To do this, create an empty file named ssh in the root folder of the SD card. On MacOS, open a terminal and type. Touch /Volumes/boot/ssh 2) First boot of the Pi The tricky part here is finding the Pi IP address.
The easiest option is to use a home router. Insert SD card into the Pi. Connect the Pi to a router with an ethernet cable. Plug in the USB power on the Pi.
Using another computer also plugged into the router, find the IP address of the Pi using the router web interface, usually 2.1) Login via ssh On MacOS In a terminal window, type the following, where piIP is address of your Pi you found in the previous step. The is in /Applications/Utilities in macOS. Sudo raspi-config The name and location of these options change as Raspbian gets updated. This is still the general idea. 1 Change User password.
2 Network Options - Configure network settings. N1 Hostname - Set the visible name for this Pi on a network. 3 Boot Options. B1 Desktop / CLI. B1 Console. 4 Localization Options.
Raspbian Stretch Lite Password
I1 Change Local. De-Select enGB.UTF-8 UTF-8. Select enUS.UTF-8 UTF-8.
I2 Change Timezone. I4 Change Wi-fi Country. 5 Interface Options. P1 Camera. 7 Advanced Options. A1 Expand Filesystem Selecting 3 Boot Options - B1 Console is important.
It seems Raspbian ships with a GUI desktop on by default and you want to turn it off. Here, we am setting my locale to ‘enUS.UTF-8 UTF-8’. If you are in a different country you should set this as you want. Once finished, reboot the system when asked or manually from the command line with sudo reboot. 2.3) Update the system. Sudo apt-get update -yes #update database sudo apt-get upgrade -yes #update userspace (this can take a long time) sudo reboot #reboot Setup the network If you are connecting to a local router there is no additional setup required. When on a university network (At least the Hopkins network), it is strongly suggested to use hard wiring with an ethernet cable rather than relying on wifi.
Ask your network administrator to authenticate based on the MAC address of the Raspberry Ethernet port. You can find this with. Sudo apt-get install netatalk -yes Once netatalk is installed, the Raspberry will show up in the Mac Finder ‘Shared’ section. The Pi can be manually mounted from MacOS by going to Go - Connect To Server. And entering afp://piIP where piIP is the IP address of your Pi. Change the default name of your Pi in netatalk (optional) When you mount the pi on MacOS, it will mount as Home Directory and the space in ‘Home Directory’ can cause problems.
Change the name to something like ‘pi3’. See to change the name of the mount point from ‘Home Directory’. In the following thenameyouwant should be changed to the name you want. One good strategy is to use the hostname. # stop netatalk sudo /etc/init.d/netatalk stop # edit config file sudo pico /etc/netatalk/AppleVolumes.default # change this one line # By default all users have access to their home directories. #/ 'Home Directory' / 'thenameyouwant' # restart netatalk sudo /etc/init.d/netatalk start When using the pico editor, ctrl+x to save and quit, ctrl+w to search, ctrl+v to page down.
Remember, the pico editor does not respond to mouse clicks, you need to move the cursor around with arrow keys. Samba (SMB) This will make the Pi a Samba (SMB) file server that can be accessed from both Windows and MacOS.
Sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart Test the server from another machine on the network. On a windows machine, mount the fileserver with smb: piIP where piIP is the IP address of your pi. You should see two mount points, share and video. Mounting a USB drive When you plugin a USB drive, it will not be automatically detected. This needs to be configured manually, please see for instructions.
Startup email and tweet It is useful to have the Pi send notifications when it boots. Please see the Github repository. Have the Pi send a tweet with its IP when it boots. See this blog poststartuptweeter for instructions. Have the Pi send an email with its IP address when it boots.
See this blog poststartupmailer for instructions. An example python script is here, startupmailer.pystartupmailer Checking your Raspian, hardware, and firmware Checking your Raspian version.
We now have 3 different methods to setup the Cluster HAT software - you only need to follow ONE of these guides below (Simple/Intermediate/Manual). The pre-created images (Simple/Intermediate) for each Raspberry Pi Zero and the Controller below are currently based on Raspbian Stretch with PIXEL/Lite (2018-10-09). NEW We also have a TEST usbboot/rpiboot image available which allows booting the Pi Zeros without SD cards using rpiboot and a nfsroot filesystem stored on the Controller Pi. Once booted the Pi Zeros function in the same way as using our normal Cluster HAT images. Download an image for each Pi (Controller/P1/P2/P3/P4) and write to the SD cards. We have Controller versions available as Stretch with PIXEL Graphical interface and Stretch Lite (you only need one). The standard images below (NONE NAT) will bridge the USB Gadget Ethernet from the Pi Zeros to eth0 on the Controller - this allows them to obtain an IP address from the DHCP server on your local network.
The NAT image uses NAT to share the Ethernet/Wifi connection on the Controller with the Pi Zeros. See the for more information. Desktop Stretch image for the controller. (A+/B+/2/3/3+). Desktop Stretch image for the controller (A+/B+/2/3/3+). Stretch Lite image for the controller (A+/B+/2/3/3+).
Stretch Lite image for the controller (A+/B+/2/3/3+). Stretch Lite image for Zero P1. Stretch Lite image for Zero P2. Stretch Lite image for Zero P3. Stretch Lite image for Zero P4.
OR you can download all of the images in a file (none NAT). Stretch with PIXEL Controller and Lite P1/2/3/4 images. Stretch Lite Controller and Lite P1/2/3/4 images. Follow the to unzip and write each of the above images to the corresponding SD Card. Username: pi Password: clusterhat We strongly advise changing the pi users password and resizing the filesystem using the tool on your first login. SSH SSH is no longer enabled by default on any of the images, to enable SSH you will need to create a file named 'ssh' in the boot partition - see the Raspberry Pi for more details, this needs to be done on both Controller and Pi Zero images (from the Controller Pi the Pi Zeros can be accessed via the serial console when SSH is disabled). The images above are configured to obtain an IP address automatically using DHCP (Pi Zero network is bridged to eth0 on the Controller Pi).
Download ONE image below for the controller and write to each SD card, then modify the cmdline.txt file on the boot partition for P1/P2/P3/P4. Desktop Stretch image for the controller. (A+/B+/2/3/3+). Desktop Stretch image for the controller (A+/B+/2/3/3+).
Raspbian Stretch Lite Desktop
Stretch Lite image for the controller (A+/B+/2/3/3+). Stretch Lite image for the controller (A+/B+/2/3/3+). Follow the to unzip and write the above images to your SD Cards for Controller/P1/P2/P3/P4. To convert the controller image into an image for P1 Zero append ' quiet init=/sbin/reconfig-clusterhat p1' to the cmdline.txt file in the boot (first) partition using either a Windows, Mac or Linux machine. To customise the other images replace p1 above with p2/p3/p4 (cmdline.txt must be a single line and there must be a space after the existing string and the text above).
Username: pi Password: clusterhat We strongly advise changing the pi users password and resizing the filesystem using the tool on your first login. SSH SSH is no longer enabled by default on any of the images, to enable SSH you will need to create a file named 'ssh' in the boot partition - see the Raspberry Pi for more details, this needs to be done on both Controller and Pi Zero images (from the Controller Pi the Pi Zeros can be accessed via the serial console when SSH is disabled).
The images above are configured to obtain an IP address automatically using DHCP (Pi Zero network is bridged to eth0 on the Controller Pi). Manually configure the software for Controller/P1/P2/P3/P4, this can be used to customise your own images or to 'port' to different distributions. Below are a list of steps we take when creating a new image. You should be able to follow these as a base to create/modify your own custom images. Copy base Raspbian image file and rename for the controller.
Setup variables for the build. Use losetup to create a loop device for the new file. Enable access to the partitions on the loop device using kpartx. mount both root and boot filesystems. Install any updates, remove dhcpcd5 and install required tools.
Force boot to be text mode. Setup getty on ttyGS0 (The USB gadget device).
Setup the hostname and /etc/hosts file. Download/Extract ClusterHAT software/config files. Copy controller config file into place. Disable auto filesystem resize. Setup /boot/config.txt file. Cleanup.
Unmount, cleanup partitions and loop devices. Copy the controller image for p1/p2/p3/p4. Use losetup to create a loop device for the new file. Enable access to the partitions on the loop device using kpartx. mount both root and boot filesystems.
Setup the cmdline.txt for P1 or P2/P3/P4. Unmount, cleanup partitions and loop devices The build script can be downloaded/viewed. Once the controller image has been created this can be modified to change into images for p1/p2/p3/p4 by editing the cmdline.txt file. The scripts above should not be ran before reviewing the code and understanding exactly what they're going to do on your system. AKA don't blame me if they cause data loss/etc. Use of our images is optional if you prefer to setup the OS/network to your requirements. A copy of our controller script is available to.