Downgrading Visual Studio For Mac


I wrote it by translating it into Google Translator. Thank you for your patience. Currently I am using Visual Studio for Mac and I am developing API and WebSite with dotnet core. The first version that started development is 2.1.1, and when 2.1.2 comes out, it tries to update it and gives up as a downgrade phenomenon and tries to update to 2.1.5 version now. The same as last time 2.11 downgrade phenomenon appears, it does not appear on windows, but it is only on mac. I've tried adding the TypeScriptCompileBlocked and RuntimeFrameworkVersion tags to the project file, but the same symptoms are happening.

I can not find the exact cause why this is happening. Can you copy/paste the error message you are getting and/or your csproj?

There are two types of error messages. Error NU1605: Detected package downgrade: Microsoft.AspNetCore.App from 2.1.5 to 2.1.1. Reference the package directly from the project to select a different version. Error: NETSDK1061: Your project has been restored using Microsoft.NETCore.App version 2.1.0, but the current setting uses version 2.1.5 instead. To resolve this issue, you must use the same settings for the restore and subsequent tasks (for example, build or publish). Typically, this problem can occur if the RuntimeIdentifier property was set during build or posting but not during restore. For more information, see.

Message 1 is frequently displayed. Sometimes message 2 is exposed. The second message was translated into Korean and translated into Google Translator. This probably indicates that you have hard-coded versions of these dependencies on your csproj. Or, you may be missing something on them. Would it be possible for you to paste the contents of the csprojs here?


Netcoreapp2.12.1.5 My project is a csproj file. There are several projects in one solution, but only one is shared. But almost all of them are like this. You have added RuntimeFrameworkVersion, which is one of the workaround solutions. (All projects) However, there is still a downgrade phenomenon, and the downgrade from 2.1.5 to 2.1.1 is so frequent that I have been downgrading to version 2.1.1 and I am still looking for a solution.

There are instructions in various places on how to downgrade and get back to a working XS on Mac for MonoGame. This Xamarin Form page has the release notes for 6.0 and includes links to downgrading XS: This lead me to this knowledge base article: I also went through the steps of uninstalling XS first, by downloading the script at the end of the mac section from this page: That script does not remove the MonoGame framework pieces. So if you have installed a development version or done your own hacking already (as I had), then also remove the MonoGame framework (see steps below). At this point, I did a fresh install of the Cycle 6 latest version from the download Xamarin page: Click on the 'here' link in the tan box for Cycle 6. This will give you download options for the 5 MacOS Xamarin components. The red x's under references are there for me, but it builds and runs fine. I do not have a model in my test project currently.

Visual Studio For Mac

I did start with a model, which did work for the Mac before the XS 6.0 drop. I removed it because the texture it was using wasn't liked by the iOS version. I did have problems with the Pipeline tool running, so you might open your.mgcb and build it there to be sure it is fine. I had a situation where the build was not reporting an error, but the error showed when I built using the Pipeline GUI directly.

Visual Studio For Mac Professional

That could be me being a MG newbie. Powered by, best viewed with JavaScript enabled.

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