Esellerate's Embedded Web Store For Mac

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SUMMARY The eSellerate Embedded Web Store allows your customers to purchase licenses for your software products directly from within trial or demonstration versions of the products themselves. This eliminates the need for the customer to open a Web browser, click a link, enter a search term or type a URL. With an Embedded Web Store, you can also automatically register the product with the customer's serial number, which eliminates the need for the customer to type or copy and paste a serial number into the application. This article provides an overview of how the Embedded Web Store eSeller works. MORE INFORMATION The Embedded Web Store (EWS) eSeller integrates with your application via one of eSellerate's Embedded Web Store Software Development Kits (SDKs). Each SDK consists of various files and documentation used in setting up that integration.

EWS SDKs are available for Mac and Windows. The process of integrating an EWS SDK into your application consists of creating a new build of the application that incorporates certain SDK files and calls to various SDK functions. On Mac, the new build of your application must link against the libraries included with the SDK. On Windows, you can use static C libraries OR install an ActiveX control (e.g., eWebControl365.dll) on the end user's computer as an alternative to using libraries (e.g., for.NET applications).


Your EWS-enabled application also needs to install an eSellerate engine onto the end user's computer. This can be done during the application's install process and/or via an SDK function call. On Mac, the eSellerate engine is a framework named EWSMac.Framework.

Esellerate Embedded Web Store For Mac

You can choose to include a compressed version of the framework in your application, or the full, uncompressed framework. You can also choose to use a framework embedded in your application, or install a standalone eSellerate engine framework on the end user's machine. Please see the eSellerate SDK Reference.pdf for more details. On Windows, the eSellerate engine is a DLL file named eWebClient.dll. Final cut pro 10 for mac. A compressed version of the engine is available for Windows (

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